Beautiful, Sarah. I was transported. ❤️

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Love this ❤️ and yes, it is important work!

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I’ve been a longtime follower of yours (in fact, The Newlywed Cookbook was the very first cookbook I owned as an adult) and I think it’s possible that this is one of my favorite pieces of food writing I’ve ever read. As a recipe developer, you struck all of my heart strings and of course, now I’m going to have to trek into the city to try all of these strudels ☺️

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Anna, you just absolutely made my night!! Thank you for your devoted support and for taking the time to read and share these beautiful thoughts!

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aww, just took a break from working to read this and so glad i did. also glad you finally got your proper streudel fix.

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I have been thinking of you ALL DAY! Happy Launch week Jessie!! Your book is divine and I can't wait to bake from it. And I'm so honored in this busy week that you took the time to read this, thank you. xxx

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